在波士顿策划一个令人印象深刻的团体聚会,需要一个令人印象深刻的菜单来匹配? 买球推荐软件app排名 can help you out. 我们对在波士顿地区到处旅行,在任何场合享受很棒的集体晚餐都不陌生. 从农场到餐桌的厨房和烤全猪到海滨海鲜和家庭式意大利菜, we know all the best group restaurants in Boston for weddings, 生日聚会, 公司活动, and any occasion requiring fantastic finger foods and tasty drinks.

And since we’re used to transporting groups as small as 20 in a 小型买球推荐软件app排名 或者在a中等于50 买球推荐软件app排名, we can bring you to the dining rooms that are best for your group type and size. 的re’s something for everyone and every occasion in this city, 所以继续往下读,找出最适合你的, 那就给我们打电话 617-314-7577 跟我们说说你的活动!

large group of people enjoying dinner together


在此用餐: a close-knit group of adventurous eaters in the mood to share a spit-roasted pig, 大量一锅海鲜饭, or Japanese/Spanish-fusion dishes and tapas.

PAGU是波士顿地区分享大胆口味和创新融合的美食的最佳场所. It’s best to gather here for PAGU’s special group-dining options, like a whole suckling pig roast for at least 10 folks, or a large paella party for anywhere between 10 and 100 of your closest friends.

对于一个 大型私人活动 like a wedding reception or corporate dinner, PAGU还提供定制四道菜套餐菜单或家庭式四道菜品尝菜单的选择. 这是一个很好的选择食客谁想要挖掘菜肴,这个厨房最擅长, 就像辣手拉面, 墨鱼鱼包, 酒卤肋眼牛排, 和Guchi的午夜拉面.

说到大气, PAGU’s best event spaces are perfect for a small, 亲密的晚餐或庆祝聚会. 您的选择包括:

  • A 私人餐厅 that can be fully enclosed with elegant, sliding translucent walls. It can fit 20 people for dinner or 35 for a standing reception, and includes a TV and sound system for presentations.
  • 夹层 for a dinner of 20 or standing reception for 35 (includes TV and sound system).
  • 埃尔森特罗, a central communal gathering space that fits 34 seated (or 50 standing).
  • 主餐厅 供40人使用.
  • 结合 主餐厅和私人餐厅 for a 50-guest dinner (or 80 standing reception).
  • 大型户外 天井, 非常适合80位坐着的人烤烟熏猪(或120位客人的酒会)。.
  • A 餐厅全部买断 最多可容纳150人(174人站立)

Address: 310 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139

电话: (617) 945-9290



前往波士顿东部的海滨享受一个晚宴,菜单上充满了新鲜的海鲜和美国菜肴,混合了国际风味. We’re talking clam and corn chowder topped with smoked bacon, grilled flat iron steak in a Louisiana BBQ sauce, 还有经典的龙虾卷,还有一锅白葡萄酒蒸贻贝配柠檬草黄油和马来西亚风格的鸡翅.

如果你是来这里和一群海鲜爱好者聚会的,他们真的值得款待, order your table a Grand Shellfish Tower full of oysters, 鸡尾酒虾, 小帘蛤蛤, 酸橘汁腌鱼, 和龙虾.

ReelHouse为大型和小型派对提供私人和半私人团体用餐选择. A small gathering—like for a birthday party or 企业团队郊游 16人以下的可以预订一份长, 木制的公共餐桌,可以欣赏到港口和波士顿城市天际线的全景. 较大的组, like for a big graduation party or family reunion, can enjoy booking the 室外滨水天井 for 40-175 people, or the inside dining room for 40-150 people.


电话: (617) 895-4075

group clinking beer glasses at a group dinner at a brewery

Trillium Fort Point

在此用餐: Beer snobs and cicerones who love Trillium’s one-of-a-kind brews, and want to taste what their local farm-to-table kitchen is dishing out.

也是其中之一 波士顿最好的啤酒厂, 在波士顿繁华的海港区,Trillium有一个齐全的厨房,提供新英格兰舒适的食物, 堡港.

Trillium的口味和理念(字面上)植根于农舍的灵感体验, 这意味着他们专注于在北斯托宁顿的Trillium农场用本土农业生产食物和啤酒, 康涅狄格, and from a partner network of local New England vendors.

When you book a private event here, you can customize your dining menu. Trillium’s menu is typically loaded with hearty, versatile mains like a grain bowl topped with roasted root veggies, 山羊奶酪和南瓜油沙司, and cheddar mac and cheese with the option to add lobster, 胸肉, 油封鸭, 或者脆皮鸡. And don’t miss out on their mouth-watering shareables, like poutine topped with Vermont cheese curds, 咖喱茄子蘸酱.

在Fort Point的Trillium Brewing,您可以选择各种私人活动空间:

  • 两个 私人餐厅, with one larger than the other, for parties of 30-35 guests and 48-65 guests.
  • 半私人的酒吧 选择多达25位客人谁可以享受完全访问的酒吧和多张桌子混合在一个区域.
  • A 全套餐厅买断 that can fit a seated dinner for up to 80 guests.
  • 屋顶板 with private bar and Seaport views, available for semi and full buyouts.


在此用餐: up to 32 curious diners and foodies who love (a.) Italian food so good it will change their life, (b.) family-style communal dining where you need to pass the plates and (c.七道菜菜单体验.

波士顿北端附近最好的餐厅之一也提供了城市中最完美的团体用餐体验之一. 作为一间有两个房间的餐厅, communal wooden dining tables and a 32-person capacity, TABLE是一个非常适合亲密团体聚会的空间,感觉就像家庭餐厅经过了现代乡村风格的改造.

七道菜的菜单会随季节变化,以家庭式意大利餐为特色,从应用程序和沙拉开始,一直到主菜和甜点. 你可以品尝到像煎西葫芦和洋蓟蛋糕这样的菜肴,上面撒着薄荷和柠檬酸奶, 烤章鱼配帕尔马干酪玉米粥, a mid-meal palette cleanser of fruit sorbet, 和丰富的, meaty mains like veal meatballs and homemade short rib ravioli.

值得注意的是,TABLE的菜单严格限定了七道菜的前缀, 你看到的就是你得到的. 他们无法适应素食、鱼素、无麸质或无乳制品的饮食. 请在预订前查看他们网站上的菜单,以确保所有客人都能享用! Also note that the entire restaurant is a 32-seat communal dining room, 所以当你预定私人派对的时候, 每个座位的预订价格是每人98美元.


电话: (857) 250-4286




一个受欢迎的地方 婚宴 大型私人聚会, 剑桥的联邦餐厅是品尝精致口味的新美国美食的地方. Plan an event here to spoil your guests with an indulgent, family-style prix-fixe party menu filled with dishes like Giuseppe’s burrata, 季节性捕获/贝类, 和烤鸡在一个家庭烧烤酱. 别忘了放一些让人垂涎三尺的配菜,比如烤南瓜炖饭, 球花甘蓝, 泡椒和帕尔马干酪, and duck fat fries served with duck fat aioli for dipping.

但这里的开胃小菜单上有很多选择,比如当地生蚝和主厨精选酸橘汁腌鱼, 或者用肉类和奶酪制成的本地奶酪和熟食板也在英联邦餐厅的市场上出售. 对于大型招待会, choose from passed platters that will really leave an impression at your event. Guests will go crazy for finger foods like lobster bites with spicy aioli, prosciutto-wrapped水果, 山羊奶酪樱桃椒, 脆脆玉米片, 和“臭名昭著的P”.I.G Blankets” to dip in a smoked secret sauce.

对于一个 private event space, you have a lot to choose from. 在英联邦,您可以预订:

  • 私人餐厅它可以容纳30位客人共进晚餐,并配有一台75英寸的电视用于演示.
  • 英联邦的 市场, where up to 100 guests can enjoy charcuterie and bites in the restaurant’s trendy, refined-rustic市场.
  • 主餐厅,最多可容纳80人.
  • 一个完整的 餐厅收购 可容纳200人.

英联邦 is also part of the Watermark Residences building, 因此,您可以预订水印活动空间,并由英联邦提供您的聚会服务. 选择:

  • 壁炉休息室, a cozy and casual space to mingle, and the 宽运河休息室, 这是一个安静的空间,有图书馆的氛围,可以喝鸡尾酒,吃小吃,30到40人的小团体可以单独预订, or together for a reception of up to 75 people.
  • 天空甲板 on the 21st floor of Watermark West which features city skyline views, and is best during warmer months for groups up to 50 people.
  • 天台花园这是水印酒店二楼的一个美丽的景观平台,最多可容纳200人.


手机(餐饮 & 事件): (617) 945-7240



With staggering views of Boston’s waterfront from the Charlestown Navy Yard, 在温暖的月份,6号码头是这个新英格兰沿海城市聚会和用餐的首选场所. 你可以在这里策划一场活动,在三个不同的空间享受亲密的坐着晚餐,一览无余的海港景色:

  • 私人餐厅, 一览无余的天际线景观, which includes a long communal dining table for up to 12 guests seated. You can also host cocktail parties for up to 25 guests here.
  • 室外滨水天井 酒吧可容纳40-200位客人.
  • 内部餐厅和酒吧区 适合40-125人的聚会.

While special event packages and menus are available upon request, 你很可能会吃到生蚝和酸橘汁扇贝等生食, as well as a manner of fresh seafood apps and entrees. Some menu highlights include Rhode Island-style fried calamari, 黑剑鱼玉米饼, 新英格兰龙虾卷, and pan-seared scallops with butternut squash risotto.


电话: (617) 337-0054

Book a Charter Bus For Your Next Group Dinner

你是否想把你的工作团队一起从办公室带到公司午餐, ensure your wedding guests make it to the reception from the ceremony on time, 或者只是想在去吃饭的路上穿越波士顿的交通压力, 买球推荐软件app排名 has the group transportation for you. 给我们打电话 617-314-7577 and tell us all about your group dinner plans in Boston. 我们将为您提供免费的, 为你包车去波士顿最好的团体餐厅之一提供免费报价!